Whenever I hear Iron & Wine, I think of Texas Hill Country. The man behind the band, Sam Beam, lives a quiet life in Dripping Springs, a small town within the rolling, dry hills, with his brood of daughters.

Why oh why didn't I take a picture of the sign for the church called Cowboys for Jesus? The line of reasoning WAS: the sign is so dull! So uninspiring! So Helvetica and basic, why waste the time? In hindsight, it was a stupid choice. How often do you really come across a church with such a perfect Texas name? Not often is the answer. Oh well, here's the website.
Devil's Backbone is a circuitous, plummeting and rising ranch road through Hill Country. We packed the dog, the Terra Chips, and the music into our car and enveloped ourselves in the fine vistas and quiet country roadways on the Day That Might Be Texas's First Day of Spring 2011.

Bird nests under bridge overhang:

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