26 November 2010

Austin, Part 2: Rust Never Sleeps

'Tis the season for all things new and Black Friday-ish. Ish is right. Give me old, worn-in, and/or rusty. I'm happier with that.

In the heart of the East Side (the supposed and oft-dreaded "other side of the tracks") behind a fancy, dazzling fence, there lies a fascinating, puzzling RV graveyard.

And, adjacent to this building...

...there lies a huge tin can graveyard...

...with very, very old cans...

...seriously old...

...just rusting away. why?

15 November 2010

11 November 2010

Veins / Vines

November rain, golden sunsets, balding trees, and random doves.

07 November 2010

Frederickburg's quintessential Texasity

Fredericksburg is a little town that is just so picture-perfect Central Texas Hill Country. The main street of this small German Stadt is a touristy (yet charismatic) stretch that deserves at least one visit. My second time there, I eschewed the main drag for the less glossy side streets. I was more charmed this time. To me, the best part of Texas is not the fancy facades and gradiosity but rather the gritty, dusty, rusty, cowboy charm that is engrained in our collective psyches as What Texas Is. The good news: What Texas Is still exists, if you choose to look hard enough.

Found this gorgeous skeleton of a building and much to my delight, I was able to enter and peer inside:

This is my favorite, an old farm warehouse: